A Few Good... Meals - Hong Kong
Then I was in WA, my weekend consisted of atleast one day
test tasting wine and partaking in cheese while watching the sunset over
rolling hills, before taking a dip in the ocean at a deserted beach (other than
Willow the dog).
Fast forward to living in the most polluted city in China,
living in a dormitory in a cement by cement school that for half the year is
below 1 degree and the other half the year at 70% humidity… No wineries, no
bars, no steak, no… well, devoid of a lot of the special things we often take
for granted at home.
I love my work, I love my school, love my kids and my
colleagues, I’m even fond of my apartment… but don’t I miss a good winery or a good
cheese platter.
I was then sent to Hong Kong, ad longing was replaced by
anticipation, anticipation by experience…
It wasn’t the best day, there was smog floating about, but
the staff were kind, there was wine on the menu (a NON-EVENT in most of China
due to heavy taxes that have only recently been lifted). The prices were exorbitant,
but to sit, with a COLD glass of WHITE wine, on a fancy stool in a fancy place with
a fancy view.
All I was missing was my sister.
It was, however, as I was walking back from a trip to one of
the islands and in desperate search for a decent and delicious mean that I was
accosted by a man waving a menu in my face, I took it, and went to walk on, but
he walked infront of me. He STOOD infront of me. Pointing at the menu. I
thought I could look at it, then pretend it wasn’t what I wanted then move on,
having placating him.
But then…
I looked…
Man, when was the last time I’d had a good curry?
We did get to the lift, I was being to English to be
impolite and say… “well, you may be taking me to my death, I’m going to head
off now – that OK?”, instead I waited with my man, with my menu, in the hopes
that Indian Food would be an eventuation.
I have a sneaking suspicion this guy got a bonus, because as soon as I was escorted into the tiny but delicious smelling establishment (ok... maybe not establishment, more a hallway made into a cafe type thing?) it was as if I were royalty.
At any rate, I was treated like a princess as soon as I entered. There was water, complimentary wine and appetisers.
I was desperate for some Tikka Masalla, Aloo Gobi, Butter Chicken and a poppadom or two!
Man it was DELICIOUS!
I was close to tears with every bite and out of the kindness of my heart, took a happy snap and sent to all those I knew in Tangshan... who were appropriately MAD and JEALOUS of my meal.
I spent another hour having a chat with the waiter and chef, discussing moving to Australia, the amount of Indian people who lived in Hong Kong and why... I will never see an Indian meal the same again.
Oh... and on the way home I popped in to a SUPER MARKET (because they have them here...) and found...
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