Movie Buffs & Book Worm Weekend - BEIJING BABY
After a week of being unable to go out of the house due to pollution and the following week having no work due to “mid semester exams”, Robyn and I decided to throw some clothes in the back pack and head off to Beijing for a very special BOOK SEARCH weekend! First of all… Doctor Strange. Robyn is a student of Comic Theology and was particularly keen to see Doctor Strange at the cinema. We had attempted to do so in Tangshan, but the day we went, the cinema was invariably closed without any explanation. It only takes an hour on the speed train (running at 305kms per hour – zoom!) to get to Beijing Train Station, then the tube (they call it Subway there in a more American fashion) is relatively easy to navigate (so long as you stay calm and are not in a rush!) and it took another 45 minutes to get to the hostel. I will admit I’ve not previously been one for hostels, in my experience they’ve been loud, smelt primarily of stale cigarette’s (which having quit two years ago I ...