Emergency Mission for English Brekky Tea

I’d run out of tea, ok yes… there was herbal tea, there was
even Earl Grey, but there was no English Brekky, Irish Brekky or even Caravan. No
Tetley, no Dilmah and for crying out loud, no Bushels! Now, I’m ok without
toilet paper, I can even deal without milk, a day or two without soap or a
brush, fine by me, but deny me of a nice sweet tea to get me going in the
morning, beware of the result!
So… I, that morning, thrust on my trousers, scraping my
shins, pulled on the closest shirt – and, twisted my hair into a lackey, shoved
on boots – sockless – and started the 15 minute trek to the closest ‘supermarket’.
The stones are not cobbled in the romantic sense of the
word, they were more bricks, often protruding from the road in the hopes of
tipping the walker, and yes... I tripped… then there was a nice long flat…
nope, there was another protruding brick!
I stumbled, and usually I would laugh at myself, but I was
in no mood. There was no tea in my belly, the evening before has been thwart
with the shooting sounds of fireworks, clapping and strange humming noises (the
humming noises I was yet to identify) AND I was to teach my naughty class in
just two hours…
I kept my eyes down as I continued the ten minute walk,
scooting to the left or right when beeped at from a car or a trolly or a bike.
When a vehicle stopped abruptly before me, I jigged to the left and jollied my
way around, jumping over someone slacking spit on the ground and avoiding the
cut-offs of Goat for tonight’s meal that were flung to the street.. and checked
out the noodle place that I’ve been wanting to eat at for the last few

Finally, I squeezed between the
chatting women with grocery filled trolleys right in the centre of the entry
way… and scooted past the dogs doing… well, doing what dogs do – why not?
Grabbed a basked and, taking in a deep breath, proceeded into the store.
I was on a mission, I ignored the shouting and calling and
trying to get me to buy this product and that. To me, it seems, going to the
supermarket or mall, in China is a bit of a luxury moment, almost a hobby. They
stop and chat, and consider and collect… There isn’t the determination of the
Westerner with a list of what needs to be found in isle A, what in isle B…
definitely three things in isle C… and why would I go to Isle F? No time!
Imagine if we wandered aimlessly down each isle and not get out the store by
So, my Western brain, knowing I had a class that I needed to
appropriately prepare for, was not considering these cultural differences as I
tried to sneak through this isle, get past the gossips in that isle… why cant I
get the potatoes in that isle? No? Oh… you need to weigh then? No time… no
potatoes, they can wait til later.

I FLUNG MYSELF THROUGH! My trolly and I made it past the
Granny-Child Danger house and finally found (insert the sound of angels playing

I smiled at the employees, they politely glanced back,
admittedly with the look of concern in regard to my mental health… lets be
honest, they’ve not had a good English Brekky with a couple of sugars and some
skim milk… I say to them, judge me not… lest I judge THEE!... Mofos (I didn’t explain
what that meant).
Yes, I needed eggs and potato and cabbage and a plethora of
things, but I also had class and necessities had been met!
I made a bee-line for… where the heck is the exit? Where’s
the counter?
I mulled past the meat section, grabbing some fatty looking
bacon and what I imagined might be ham… still no check out…
Eggs, well, while I’m on the way, why not?

And suddenly, through the desert of reconstituted food
products and itemised sugars was… THE REGISTER!
I had forty five minutes til class… could we make it?!
I made a bee line toward the register but was cut off by an
eighty pound woman with a trolly of the same size, I scooted to the next isle
but was cut off by two elderly people who looked like they’d like a chance to
discuss the difference between today’s rice and the rice of Mao… Next isle…
nope, there was a three year old, a five year old and a Dad who looked ready to
pull a gun on one or both of his children should that be a choice…
Finally, I came to a relatively empty registry, HOME FREE, I
thought, then the shop keep looked at me, she looked beyond her, she looked
behind her and she looked at me… with nothing but sadness and distress in her
“Only a few things”, I said and waved my tea and eggs in the

I paid… I popped my items in my backpack and scooted out as
fast as I could… Class started in only twenty minutes… it was at this point I
realised I may or may not have a CUP-A-TEA-ADDICTION and not for Tea… but for a
nice English Brekky… try and give me a herbal first thing in the morning, lets
just say we may have a few words!
Oooof and into the apartment. My housemate stood back, aghast,
as I quickly dissembled the bag of groceries’, pilled my cup with a bag of tea,
three spoons of sugar, while relieving myself and changing my attire…
“Yup! The naughty kids”
“Good thing you have tea then” she said ironically, I stared
at her… she hovered sheepishly in her bedroom…
“right… tea… off then”
“best of luck!”
“Cheers” I said “I’ll need it!”
I smiled as I passed the kids yelling “Hello teacher!”, “Hello
Fiona” or “Nehow Loashi!”, I responded with a smile and a wave and at once felt
as close to a super hero or famous person as I ever expect to be.
Tea splashing in my new ENGLAND cup, and beads of sweat from exertion, I finally got to the glass...
Relieved and with two minutes til start of class, I whisked in to an....
I looked down the halls, silence.
I glanced out the window. Not s student to be seen.
I waited a moment... nothing.

"No no... late today... meeting"
"Will they come to class?"
"Yes, yes... you wait"
And so, I did... I waited... an by goodness I enjoyed that hard won cup of tea!
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