POEM - I was that girl...

I was the lost girl, the never be loved girl, the sticky out doesn’t fit girl, the trying to be everyone else girl. The crying poetry writing imagination flying sitting under the slide girl. I was the wondering girl, the forgotten girl, the never understood girl, the aliens are coming girl, the someone can read my mind girl, the cut up the pictures to make a collage girl and wander through the paddocks singing to my dog girl. I was the book girl, head lost in pages girl, sad about the life of ants girl, the fearing god girl. The never good enough girl. The sitting dark deep in the well of blackness girl… I was an alone girl. I was the farm girl, who didn’t belong girl, the good at sports girl that didn’t want to play. I was the smart girl, who wanted to hide girl, that wanted to be the best girl, but felt undeserved girl, the run girl, and be someone elses fun girl but never got there. There was river… that the girl had to cross, eight out stretched arms lengths across… an...