Finding my groove... Then Snow Men & Snow Balls

Its been difficult, after how many years (lets not get into specifics) of working 7.30 – 5/6pm, Monday to Friday, to get used to Friday afternoon being advised you may be doing 8am, or 2pm… or nothing one day, then a plethora of different classes the next day. Saturday is now Friday and Saturday, Sunday – who knows where Wednesday has gone. China… in my experience… sometimes lacks the level of communication between departments that I’ve become accustomed to, so I have needed to also get used to not knowing which class and what level I’ll be teaching from week to week. Well, I was after a bit of diversity in my career, and I’ve certainly gotten more than I bargained for. When I first considered doing TEFL I was so excited to teach wee ones, I envisaged myself surrounded by five years olds, creating dramatic stories about unicorns and panda’s and their journey to distant planets… I think its been clearly established that this is not where I landed. So… you can imagine m...